What Does Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Sun Smell Like? Full Review

What Does Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Sun Smell Like? Full Review

D&G Light Blue Sun – Full Review

We will rank the content into eight sections in the full fragrance review format.

  • First Impressions: We will discuss the bottle, box, and scent opening.
  • Longevity: How long the scent lasts and rate it.
  • Smell: We will rate the scent of the fragrance.
  • Compliments: We will discuss if it is probable to get a compliment with this fragrance.
  • Occasions: Where and when you can use this fragrance and give a versatility rate.
  • Price: The provided price will reflect the available price when this blog was written.
  • Conclusion: Here, we will wrap up all topics discussed in previous sections.
  • Overall Score: This will be the average score rates of earlier sections.

Having said all that, let’s go on with what does D&G Light Blue Sun smell like? Is it good or bad?

First Impressions:

  • A light blue colored box with gold engravings, a sun, and lemons on the front.
  • A classic light blue line bottle.
  • The fragrance opens with an alcoholic blast: it settles after a few minutes.
  • It is a fresh and citrus scent.


  • The longevity is nine to ten hours with an hour of projection.
  • It dries down to a ginger and citrus scent after the first hour.
  • The note of coconut can be perceived three hours from the first application.
  • Longevity rate: 9.5/10.


  • Light Blue Sun is a round and delicate citrus-forward aroma.
  • Smell rate: 9/10


  • There is a high probability that you will be complimented using this cologne.


  • All-day activities.
  • Office environment.
  • Spring and Summer.
  • Versatility rate: 7/10.


$52.87 <– Click to get it.


Light Blue Sun is a well-rounded citrus scent. This is a modern take on the original Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue. While maintaining that D&G Light Blue DNA, this one modernizes it and boosts its longevity without compromising the citrus richness that is highly likable about this DNA.

 Overall score of Light Blue Sun:

  • Overall rate: 8.5/10.
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Light Blue Sun
Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue Sun


If you want to know more about fragrances, verify this other blog:

Remember: Smell good and live better!!

**Prices and availability mentioned above are subject to continuous change.


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