What Does Mancera Cedrat Boise Smell Like? Full Review

What Does Mancera Cedrat Boise Smell Like? Full Review

Cedrat Boise – Full Review

We will rank the content into eight sections in the full fragrance review format.

  • First Impressions: We will discuss the bottle, box, and scent opening.
  • Longevity: How long the scent lasts and rate it.
  • Smell: We will rate the scent of the fragrance.
  • Compliments: We will discuss if it is probable to get a compliment with this fragrance.
  • Occasions: Where and when you can use this fragrance and give a versatility rate.
  • Price: The provided price will reflect the available price when this blog was written.
  • Conclusion: We will wrap up all topics discussed in previous sections.
  • Overall Score: This will be the average score rates of earlier divisions.

Let’s continue with what Cedrat Boise smells like. Is it good or bad?

First Impressions:

  • It comes in a black box with gradients and Mancera’s logo on the front.
  • Inside the box and covering the bottle is a travel bag, which is very convenient for storage and juice protection from the light.
  • It is a heavy, clear, cylindric crystal bottle with dark yellow juice.
  • It has a heavy black metallic cap that screws in the bottle.
  • The fragrance opens with a rich lemon and citrus scent. 


  • The longevity is ten to eleven hours with three or four hours of excellent projection.
  • Longevity rate: 10/10.


  • Cedrat Boise evolves from lemon and citrus to a smoky and woody scent that keeps giving blasts of the mixture of citrus and woods throughout the fragrance’s life.
  • It is an EDP concentration.
  • Smell rate: 7/10



  • It is a mass appealing fragrance scent that will probably get you compliments.


  • Working environments.
  • Office environments.
  • Semi-casual, Casual, and Formal attires.
  • All day, every day.
  • It can be used during the Spring, Fall, and Winter.
  • Versatility rate: 9/10.


$87.60 <– Click to get it.


Cedrat Boise is a smoky, citrus, and woody scent for a mature (25 and up) audience. It is a mass appealing fragrance scent that will likely garnish you with some compliments. If you like colognes like Montblanc Explorer, Qaed Al Fursan, and Creed Aventus, you will probably love this one. Cedrat Boise is meant to be easy to wear, versatile, and highly likable. 

Overall score of Metal Rain:

  • The overall rate is 8.7/10.
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Cedrat Boise
Mancera Cedrat Boise


If you want to know more about fragrances, verify this other blog:

Remember: Smell good and live better!!

**Prices and availability mentioned above are subject to continuous change.


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