What Does Penhaligon’s Savoy Steam Smell Like? Full Review

What Does Penhaligon’s Savoy Steam Smell Like? Full Review

Penhaligon’s Savoy Steam – Full Review

We will divide the content into eight sections in the full fragrance review format.

  • First Impressions: We will discuss the bottle, box, and scent opening.
  • Longevity: How long the scent lasts and rate it.
  • Smell: We will rate the smell of the fragrance.
  • Compliments: We will discuss if it is probable to get a compliment with this fragrance.
  • Occasions: Where and when you can use this fragrance and give a versatility rate.
  • Price: The provided price will reflect the available price when this blog was written.
  • Conclusion: Here, we will wrap up all topics discussed in previous sections.
  • Overall Score: This will be the average score rates of earlier sections.

Having said all that, let’s go on with what does Penhaligon’s Savoy Steam smell like? Is it good or bad?

First Impressions:

  • A simple yet classy box.
  • An elixir-like bottle.
  • Light yellow juice perfectly represents its gentle scent.
  • It opens with a natural rose and aromatic scent; a few minutes later, this scent evolves into a beautiful skin scent.
  • It is a gentle and cozy rose scent.


  • The longevity is six to seven hours with an hour of projection.
  • It dries down to a gentle, cozy, and clean scent.
  • Longevity rate: 6.5/10.


  • Savoy Steam has a unique and gentle aroma.
  • Smell rate: 8/10


  • There is a high probability that you will be complimented using this cologne by people inside your personal space.


  • Serious Dates.
  • All-day activities.
  • Fall/Winter/Spring and chilly nights in the Summer.
  • Versatility rate: 7/10.


$215 <– Click to get it.


Savoy Steam is a fantastic, gentle, and cozy scent. It is a fragrance that will get people closer to you in a delicate and comfy way.

 Overall score of Savoy Steam:

  • Overall rate: 7.2/10.


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Savoy Steam
Penhaligon’s Savoy Steam

If you want to know more about fragrances, verify this other blog:

Remember: Smell good and live better!!

**Prices and availability mentioned above are subject to continuous change.


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